Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day 2009: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I took speech my junior year of high shcool and for one of my topics I choose the environment. Since then I've looked at our Earth so much differently. I proudly refer to myself as a tree hugger and I haven't thrown away a plastic or glass bottle since 1993. Being "green" really has a trickle down effect. Also because of that speech, my Mom started and still recycles. Since Grant City quit recycling, she saves and hauls her recyclable items down to me so I can recycle them for her. We use our "green bags" when we go to Wal-Mart to avoid using one of those terrible plastic bags. All my kids take their turn helping unload our items at the recycle plant here in town. I've taken my Girl Scouts there as well and recycling and being green are topics we cover every year. How appropriate that Disney Nature's new movie, "Earth", comes out today. Emily told me if we buy tickets and go see it this week, a tree will be planted in our name. And even Eli has jumped on the "green" bandwagon. He's the fist to tell me when he sees a light on in a room and no one is in there. And when his Dad was letting the water run in the bathroom sink, Eli told him, "That costs money, you know." He made his mama proud!