Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Sealions! Oh My!

Our Trip to the Kansas City Zoo
We've made it a habit to go to the zoo every year. It's something we all look forward to and we always have a different experience each time we visit. We have always gone to Omaha in the past and this was our first time to go to the Kansas City Zoo. Emily loves the big cats, so she's especially proud of this photo. It was the first time we'd seen the lions right next to the glass. One of them was completely sprawled out on it's back with it's feet in the air just like a house cat would do. Eli's favorite part was the surprise there! We were at the sealion show, which was right by the train depot and when the train left the station he cried because it didn't wait for him. Even though we ended up riding the train three times that day, he still talks about how it left without him. A few days after visiting the zoo we went to the pool and when we pulled up in front of it Eli said, "I want to see the sealions." He's wanted to go back to the zoo ever since we left. We all agreed that one of the neatest exhibits was the kangaroos. They are just free to roam around. They have this huge grassy area with lots of trees and it has a sidewalk that goes all around it and they just stay there. The next time you see Emily you'll have to ask her what her Dad told her to do if the lions ever escape. I'll go ahead and tell you what she'll say. She'll tell you, "Just run faster than the slowest person."

1 comment:

Kyle Bridgman said...

When Sue and the girls went to the St. Louis Zoo they were leaving a building and they were asked to wait about 20 minutes because on of the cheetahs had escaped. It wasn't the first time either. Them cheetahs is tricky!!!
I added a link to your blog to your blog from mine.
Kyle B