Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God Bless America

In last week's presidential election our country had a chance to stand up for God. We had a chance to cast a vote for the Judeo-Christian values our country was founded on and that our forefathers fought to preserve. We had a chance to vote our Christian convictions and say "yes" to faith, to family, to life, and to truth. Although I do not understand why God allowed the election to turn out the way it did, I do know that God allowed it to happen for a reason. The following true/false quiz was an e-mail I received a few days ago written by Pastor Wyman Richardson from First Baptist Church of Dawson, Georgia. It really put things into perspective for me and I wanted to share it with everyone.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, Jesus will still be King.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, our responsibilities as Christians will not have changed one iota.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the greatest agent for social change in America will still be winning the hearts and minds of men and women through the gospel, not legislation.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the only way to see abortion ultimately overturned will still be winning men and women to a high view of life through the gospel of Christ.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, the only way to see gay marriage ultimately defeated will still be winning men and women to a biblical view of marriage through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, my retirement will still not match my treasure in Heaven.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, 'Jesus Is Lord' will still be the greatest truth in the Universe.

True/False: The day after the election, regardless of who wins, we will still know that God is in control. _____________________________________________________
That e-mail really got me to thinking and now that the election is over we must move forward. The best thing we can do now is pray. In order for our country to return to the righteous nation that God wants us to be, we need to be praying for our elected leaders. You can visit the website presidentialprayerteam.net to join others in praying for our president-elect and other national leaders as well. It will give you specific concerns to pray about. And we also need to be praying for a spiritual awakening among believers of Jesus Christ. God has the power to change the hearts of people and with prayer, I believe it will happen. We must unite and stand up for the truth of God's word and continue to vote our Christian convictions. God Bless.

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