Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Terri and Nick's Wedding: The Return of the (Cutest) Ring Bearer (Ever)

Eli got his cast off Tuesday before the wedding and by
Thursday afternoon he was running a fever and throwing up. I thought, "Oh, no. He'll never make it down the isle." On Friday he semed to be a little better, but he threw up on the way to Albany for the rehersal dinner. After that he felt fine and he walked down the isle during practice and he ate quite a bit at dinner afterwards. So, I thought maybe we had dodged a bullet and he was over whatever bug he had. When he woke up Saturday morning he still had the fever, but he wasn't throwing up, so we just gave him some Motrin and kept our fingers crossed that all would be ok.

Eli did fairly well taking pictures before the wedding, but he would only stand up there for the pictures that I was in; never by himself. But, that was ok. I was just glad the photographer got something. When it was time for the wedding, Terri's sister, Donna, was the one keeping Eli in the back of the church until it was his turn. He was suspossed to follow right after me. I glanced back once and saw he was following me, so I thought all was ok. Well, I heard everyone laughing and when I got to the front I didn't see Eli. He had seen where Alyssa and Michael were sitting and he darted in that pew and was sitting on Alyssa's lap. What a smart boy.

It's hard to believe that Terri is married. I won't know what to do when I come to Albany and she will not be at her parent's house. I told Terri's Dad that when I come to Albany I will have to call Terri and tell her to go "home" so I can visit her. I've also been dialing the same phone number, 3003, and sending mail to the same address, 402 E Cameron, for 26 years, so that will be another hard one to change. As the saying goes, "The only thing certain in life is change."

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