Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

"Saluting the stars and strips flag is testimony of sincere patriotism, loyalty, love for our country and respect for American ideals. The flag of the United States of America symbolizes the freedoms, equality, justice and humanity which our forefathers defined as the essence of American democracy. The flag symbolizes the sacrifices made by millions of Americans to keep our way of life secure."**

"We say that the red in our flag symbolizes sacrifice and courage, and its white reflects purity of purpose and that the stars on the blue field represent unity of efforts by the states. Those are the attributes through which all of our citizens have made this country free and powerful. That is what our flag symbolizes today."**

We have always made an effort to ensure that our children know what others have had to do in order for us to live in a free country. We are constantly reminding them of what people face in other countries and how blessed we are to live in the United States of America. They know that in some countries people have to worship our Lord in secret. We are so thankful that on a Sunday morning we are able to take our family to church and worship with our fellow brothers and sisters in christ without fear. And our children have been taught how to respect a flag. It makes us so proud to watch them automatically rise to their feet in silence and place their hand over their heart during a parade when the flag passes by. Teaching the next generation of Americans how to show respect for our country and flag is the least we can do to show thanks to those who have served or are serving this great country in order to ensure our freedom.

**Taken from Veterans of Foreign Wars, Americianism Department, Ten Short Flag Stories.

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